Speech-Language & Occupational Therapy Screening & Communication Consent Form

A2 Therapy Works, LLC conducts free speech & language therapy and occupational therapy screenings at your child’s school. These screenings will be performed by certified and licensed speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists.

Please fill out the information below to opt in for the screening on Tuesday, October 22.

If you or your child’s teacher answered yes to numbers 1-4, your child may benefit from a speech & language screening. If you and your child’s teacher answered yes to numbers 5-8, your child may benefit from an occupational therapy screening. Preschoolers and kindergarteners with delays are at a greater risk for learning disabilities, reading & writing difficulty, and overall academic problems. Early detection and intervention offer the most promising chances for improvement.

If you are interested in having your child complete a free screening, please fill out the information below. After the screening, you will be notified of the results in a sealed envelope. If the screening indicates that your child does not demonstrate any areas of concern or presents with error patterns that are developmentally appropriate, no further action will be required at this time. If your child does demonstrate areas of concern based on their age, you will be informed of the areas of difficulty identified and given information about potential next steps. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or via phone 734-369-6002


The A2 Therapy Works Team